Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 495

John Barlow

, a Cheshire man born, became a Student of Hart hall in the year 1600. aged 19. or more, took one degree in Arts 8 years after, being then in Orders and a Curate. Afterwards, upon an invitation, he was made Minister of Plymouth in Devonshire; where continuing to the great liking of the inhabitants, yet notwithstanding he left them, and went to Halifax in Yorkshire, where, as it seems, he was a Curate or Lecturer. He hath published,

Various Sermons, as (1) The Christian’s last day, is the best day, on 1 Thes. 4. 18. Lond. 1618. qu. (2) Hieron’s last farewel; preached at Modbury in Devonsh. at the Funeral of Sam. Hieron, on 2 Tim. 4. 7. Lond. 1618. qu. (3) The good Man’s refuge in affliction, on Psal. 40. 18. Lond. 1618. qu. (4) The true guide to glory; preached at Plymton-Mary in Devonsh. at the Funeral of the Lady Strode of Newingham, Widdow of Sir Will. Strode, on Psal. 73. 24. Lond. 1619. qu. (5) The good Mans privilege, on Rom. 8. 28. Lond. 1618. qu. (6) Joy of the upright Man, on Psal. 97. 11. lb. 1619. qu.

An Exposition on the second Epistle of S. Paul to Timothy, the first chapter,Clar. 1632. &c. Lond. 1625. qu. To which was the Exposition of the second, and of other parts of Scripture, added.—Lond. 1632. fol. Among several Records in the Prerogative-office, I once saw the last Will (c)(c) In Reg. Evelyn Qu. 54. and Test. of one John Barlow Clerk, of Chiddingfield in Surrey, which was proved 26. May 1641. the Testator having some weeks before been dead, but whether this John Barlow be the same with the former Joh. Barlow, who was the writer, I cannot justly say, nor whether he be the same with Joh. Barlow M. of Arts, who in Sept. 1620. became Prebendary of Wivelscomb in the Church of Wells, on the resignation of Will. Barlow. The said Joh. Barlow of Chiddingfield doth mention his Brethren, Edward, Raphe, Laurence, William and Rob. Barlow.