Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 122

William Barlowe

was bred a Canon Regular of the order of St. Austin in the Monastery of St. Osith in Essex, and partly among those of his order in Oxon (where besides a nursery for, was an Abbey and Priory of, that order) and there obtained a competency in Theology, of which faculty, as ’tis said, he was a Doctor. Afterwards he was made Prior of the Canons of his Order living at Bysham near Maydenhead in Berkshire, and by that name and title he was sent in an Embassie to Scotland, as I shall tell you elsewhere. About the time of the dissolution of his Priory, he was elected to the Episcopal See of St. Asaph; the temporalities of which being (i)(i) Pat. 27. Hen. 8. p. 2. delivered to him on the second day of Febr. 27. Hen. 8. Dom. 1535. he was consecrated (k)(k) Fr. Godw. in Com. de praesul. Angl. inter Ep [••] c. Asaphenses. to the said See 22. of the same Month. Thence he was translated to St. Davids in the Month of Apr. 1536. and thence to Bathe and Wells in 1547, being then a zealous Professor and Preacher of the reformed Religion. In 1553, upon Qu. Maries coming to the Crown, he was deprived of his Bishoprick for being married; whereupon retiring with many others into Germany under pretence of Religion, lived there in a poor and exile condition. At length when Qu. Elizab. succeeded, he was made Bishop of Chichester, in Decemb. 1559, (where he sate to the time of his death) and in 1560, he was made the first Canon or Prebendary of the first stall, in the collegiat Church of St. Peter in Westminster, then founded by Qu. Elizabeth; which Dignity he held with his Bishoprick five years. His works are these.

A Dialogue describing the original ground of these Lutheran factions and many of their abuses. Lond. 1553. in oct. Printed in an English Char.

Christian Homelies.

Cosmography—which two last I have not yet seen. He departed this mortal life in the Month of Aug. in Fifteen hundred sixty and eight, 1568 and was buried, as I suppose, in the Cath. Ch. at Chichester. After this William Barlowe had been a Prior and a Bishop, he took to Wife one Agatha Wellesbourne, by whom he had issue five Daughters that were all married to Bishops, viz. (1) Anne, who, after she had buried her first Husband named Austin Bradbridge bridge of Chichester, sometimes Fellow of New College, married Harbert Westphaling Bishop of Hereford (2) Elizabeth Wife of Will. Day Dean of Windsore, afterwards Bishop of Winchester. (3) Margaret Wife of Will. Overton B. of Lichf. and Cov. (4) Frances, who after she had buried her first Husband named Matthew Parker a younger Son of Dr. Matthew Parker Archb. of Canterbury, was married to Tobie Mathew, who died Archb. of York. (5) Antonia the Wife of Will. Wykeham Bishop of Winchester. The said Will. Barlowe had also a Son of both his names, whom I shall mention in his proper place.