Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 299

Barnabe Barnes

, a younger son of Rich. Barnes Bishop of Durham, was a Yorkshire-man born, and at about 17. years of age 1586. became a student in Brasn. coll. but left the University without a degree, and what became of him afterwards I know not. His works are these.

A divine Century of spiritual Sonnets. Lond. 1595. dedicated to Tob. Matthews B. of Durham.

Four books of Offices; enabling private persons for the special service of all good Princes and policies. Lond. 1606. Fol.

The Devils charter: a Trag. containing the life and death of P. Alex. 6.Clar. 1608. Lond. 1607. oct. One Barnabe Barnes of the City of Coventry died in the time of the civil War (about 1644.) leaving behind him a widdow named Margery, but what relation there was between this and the former Barnabe, or whether the same, I cannot tell.