Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 631

Michael Boyle

was a Londoner born, Son if I mistake not, of Michael Boyle of S. Mar. Magd. Parish in Milkstreet (who died in the latter end of 1596.) and nearly related to the Boyles of Kentish Town in Middlesex; was educated in Merchant Taylors School, became Scholar of S. Johns coll. in 1593. aged 18. years, took the degrees in Arts, holy orders and was made Vicar of Finden in Northamptonshire, In 1611. he proceeded in Divinity, and three years after resigning his Vicaridge, he went into Ireland, was made Dean of Lismore, and at length in the latter end of the year 1619. was consecrated Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, being then esteemed a person of good learning and prudence. He yielded up his last breath at Waterford (g)(g) Ib. in Jac. War. ut supra, p. 200. on the 27. Dec. in sixteen hundred thirty and five, 1635 and was buried in the Cath. Ch. of the holy Trinity there, leaving then behind him a brother named Richard Boyle Archb. of Tuam, whom I shall mention in the Fasti, among the incorporations, an. 1601. There was another Michael Boyle, who was Archb. of Dublin 1663. but he was Nephew to the former Michael, by being Son to Richard before mention’d.