Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 286
William Burton
, a Native of the City of Winchester, was educated in Wykchams School there, admitted perpetual Fellow of New coll. 1563. and left that house after he had taken one degree in Arts. This person I take to be the same Will. Burton who was a Minister in Bristow, and afterwards at Reading in Berks. And author of these things following.
Several Sermons, as (1) Sermon Preached at Norwith 21. of Dec. 1589. on Jer. 3. 14. Lond. in oct. (2) Davids Evidence; or, the assurance of Gods love, in 7 Sermons on Psal. 41. 11, 12, 13. Lond. 1592. oct. 1602. qu. (3) A Caveat for Sureties, two Serm. at Bristow on Prov. 6. from 1. to the 5. verse. Lond. 1593. oct. 1602. qu. (4) The rousing of the Sluggard, in 7 Sermons, on Prov. 6. from 6. to the 11. verse. Lond. 1595. oct. (5) Sermons on the Churches Love to Christ her Husband, on Cant. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4. Lond. 1595. oct. and 1602. qu. These Sermons are intit. Gods Wooing his Church. (6) Davids Thanksgiving for the arraignment of the Man of Earth, two Sermons on Psal. 10. 17, 18. Lond. 1598. oct. dedicated to Sir Will. Periam Knight, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, a favourer of the authors Muse, (7) Ten Sermons, on Matthew 5. 3, 4. Lond. 1602. qu. (8) The Anatomy of Beliel, in 10 Sermons on Prov. 6. 12, 13, 14, 15. Lond. 1602. qu. dedic. to Ralph Warcupp of English in Oxfordshire Esꝫ a great favourer of the author.
Catechism containing certain Questions and Answers concerning the knowledge of God, and the right use of the Law. Lond. 1591. oct.
Conclusions of Peace between God and Man, containing comfortable meditations for the Children of God, on Prov. 7. 1, 2. Lond. 1595. oct. and 1602. qu.
Exposition of the Lords Prayer, drawn into Questions and Answers. Lond. 1594. oct. 1602. qu.
Certain Questions and Answers concerning the attributes of God. Lond. 1602. qu. second edit.
Questions and Answers concerning the right use of the Law of God. Lond. 1602. qu.
An Abstract of the Doctrine of the Sabbath, briefly, yet fully and plainly,Clar. 1606. set forth. Lond. 1606. oct. These are all, and enough, which I have seen published by Will. Burton a Minister in Bristow, and afterwards in Reading. Whether he be the same Will. Burton of the Parish of St. Sepulchre without Newgate in Lond. Clerk, who (h)(h) Book of Administrat. in the Will-Office near S. Pauls Cath. beginning in Jan. 1614. died in that Parish in Oct. or Nov. in 1612. (16. Jac. 1.) and left behind a Widdow called Dorothy, I know not.