Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 585
John Chambers
a Benedictine Monk was partly educated in Oxon, but more in Cambridge, in which University he was, as it seems, admitted to the reading of the sentences. In 1528. he was made Abbat of Peterborough, (in which Town he was born) upon the decease of one Rob. Kirton, and living to see his Monastery dissolved, was by the favour of K. Hen. 8. nominated the first Bishop of that place, when the said King by his charter dated 4. Sept. 1541 erected an Episcopal See there. On the said day the temporalities of it were (a)(a) Pat. 33. Hen. 8. p. 3. delivered to him, and on the 23. of Oct. following was consecrated thereunto; which is all I know of him, only that he was a worldly man, and that dying in the winter time, before the month of Decemb. in fifteen hundred fifty and six, 1556 was buried in the Cath. Ch. at Peterborough. The reader is now to know that Dr. Fr. Godwin doth in his Commentary (b)(b) Edit. Lond. 1616. p. 594. int. Episc. Petroburg. of English Bishops, tells us that the said Joh. Chambers was Doctor of Physick, bred up in Merton college, and afterwards Dean of S. Stephens cell. in Westminster, but very much mistaken, for that John Chambers Bach. of Div. and Bishop died in 1556. as ’tis before told you, and the other who was Dr. of Physick and Dean, died 1549. Pray be pleased to see more in the Fasti, under the year 1531. among the incorporations.