Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 553

Thomas Clerke

, and English man, became Archdeacon of the Isle of Man after he had left the University, and and at length by provision from the Pope became Bishop of Killala in Ireland 1498. which office he keeping till fifteen hundred and five, then resigned (f)(f) Waraus ut supra, p. 291. it.Clar. 1505. I take this Thomas Clerke to be the same with Thomas, written and stiled Thomas Aladensis Episcopus that is Tho. Bish. of Killala, who by that name and title was admitted (g)(g) Reg. [〈◊〉] de Castello Ep. B. & W [] llen [] . Rector of Chedsey in Somersetshire on the death of Mr. Joh. Fynne, 12. Janu. 1505. and dying in the year 1508. Rob. Fisher was admitted to the said rectory on the 18. Dec. the same year.