Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 462

Giles Collier

son of Giles Collier of Pershore in Worcestershire, was born there, or at least in that County, became either a Batler or Servitour of New inn, in Lent term 1637, aged 15 years, took the degree of Bach. of Arts, and departed for a time, closing then with the Presbyterians. In 1648 when the Parliamentarian Visitors were in Oxon he proceeded in Arts, took the Covenant and afterwards became Vicar of Blockley near Evesham and Shipson in Worcestershire, and a busie man when he was made an Assistant to the Commissioners of Worcestershire for the ejection of such whom the Godly party called scandalous, ignorant and insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters, an. 1654 and after. At his Majesties restauration he continued in Blockley, and when the Act of uniformity was published he conformed, not without the regret of some Loyallists in the neighbourhood, whom he had much displeased in the interval. He hath written,

Vindiciae thesium de sabbato: or a vindication of certain passages in a sermon of the morality of the Sabbath, from the exceptions of which they are subjected by Edw. Fisher Esq. in his book called A Christian Caveat, &c. Lond. 1653. 56. qu.

Appendix wherein is briefly examined this bold assertion of Edw. Fisher, viz. There is an equal authority and equal antiquity for the observation of the 25 of Dec. as for the Lords day.

Answer to 15 questions lately published by Edw. Fisher Esq. and the suggestions therein delivered against suspending ignorant and scandalous persons from the Lords Supper—These two last things were printed with the Vindiciae thesium.

Fun. Sermon on Isaiah 57.1.—Printed 1661. qu. He died at Blockley in the latter end of July,1678. in sixteen hundred seventy and eight and was buried on the 30. day of the same month in the Church there. In the said Vicaridge succeeded Sam. Scattergood of Trin. Coll. in Cambridge, as I shall elsewhere tell you.