Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 618

Richard Deane

Son of Gilb. Deane of Saltonstall in Yorkshire (by Elizabeth his Wife daughter of Edm. Jennings of Syelsden in Craven) was born at Saltonstall, and after he had been educated in Grammaticals in his own Country, became a Student in Merton coll. 1587. aged 17. years: where continuing about 5. years, in the quality, as it seems, of a Portionist, retired to S. Albans hall, and, as a member of that house, took the degree of Bach. of Arts, in Octob. 1592. and that of Master three years after; which was the highest degree he took in this University. Afterwards he taught school at Caermerthen in Wales, (as a note that came thence, which I have seen, reports, tho I hardly believe it) was made Dean of Kilkenny in Ireland, and at length Bishop of Ossory there, about the latter end of the year 1609. He yielded up his last breath on the 20. of Feb. in (h)(h) Ibid. in War. p. 140 sixteen hundred and twelve, and was buried near to the Bishops chair in the Church at Kilkenny. 1612 In the said See of Ossory succeeded Jonas Wheeler another Oxford Student, whom I shall at large mention among these Bishops, under the year 1640.