Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 301
John Denham
the only Son of Sir Joh. Denham Knight, sometimes chief Baron of the Exchecquer in, and one of the Lords Justices or Commissioners of, Ireland, by Eleanor his Wife one of the Daughters of Sir Garret More Kt, sometimes Baron of Mellifont in that Kingdom, was born within the City of Dublin, but being brought thence very young, at what time his Father was made one of the Barons of the Exchecquer in England, an. 1617, he was educated in Grammar learning either in London or Westminster, and being made full ripe for the University, was sent to Trinity Coll, where he became a Gent. Com. in Michaelm. term, an. 1631. aged 16 years. But being looked upon as a slow and dreaming young man by his seniors and contemporaries, and given more to cards and dice, than his study, they could never then in the least imagine, that he could ever inrich the World with his fansie, or issue of his brain, as he afterwards did. From Trin. Coll. where he continued about 3 years, and had been examined in the publick Schools for the degree of Bach. of Arts, he went to Lincolns inn, where tho he followed his study very close to the appearance of all persons. yet he would game much, and frequent the company of the unsanctified crew of Gamesters, who rook’d him sometimes of all he could wrap or get. But his Father having received notice of these matters, took him severely to task, with many threatnings to cast him off if he did not forbear from so doing. Whereupon he wrot a Little Essay against Gaming, shewing the vanities and inconveniencies, which he presented to his Father to let him know his detestation, of it. After his Fathers death, (who died 6. Jan. 1638 and was buried in Egham Church in Surrey) he fell to gaming again, and shortly after squandred away several thousands of pounds that were left him, &c. In the latter end of the year 1641 he published the Tragedy called The Sophy, which took extremely much and was admired by all ingenious men, particularly by Edm. Waller of Beaconsfield, who then said of the author that he broke out like the Irish rebellion, threescore thousand strong, when no body was aware, or in the least suspected it. Shortly after he was prick’d High Sherriff for Surrey, and made Governour of Farnham Castle for the King: But he being an inexpert soldier, soon after left that office, and retired to his Maj. at Oxon, where he printed his poem called Coopers hill: which hill is in the Parish of Egham in Surrey above Runney mead, hath a very noble prospect, and the author of it from thence doth admirably well describe several places in his view there, which he mentions in that most celebrated poem. In 1648 he conveyed or stole away James Duke of York from S. James’s in Westminster, then under the tuition of Algernon Earl of Northumberland, and carried him into France to the Prince of Wales and the Qu. Mother, and not long after was sent with William (afterwards Lord) Crofts as Envoyes to the King of Poland by the said Prince, then K. Ch. 2. In 1652 or thereabouts, he return’d into England, and being in some streights (for by gaming and the War he had squandred away much of his Estate at Egham and elsewhere, and the rest ordered to be sold by the Parliament 15 July 1651) he was kindly entertain’d by the Earl of Pembroke at Wilton; where, and sometimes at London, he continued with that Count more than an year: In which time he did translate one of Virgils Aeneids and burlesqu’d it, but whether he ever publish’d it, I know not. K. Ch. 1. did grant to him the reversion of the place of Surveyor of his buildings after the decease of Inigo Jones: Which place he entring upon at the restauration of K. Ch. 2. an. 1660 (for the said Jones ((a))((a)) So have I been informed by the Letters of James Webb of Butleigh in Somersetsh. Gent. Son of John Webb who married the Cosin German of the said Inigo Jones. died 21. July 1651 aged 79 years or thereabouts, and was buried in the Church of S. Bennet near to Pauls-wharf in London) he enjoyed it to the time of his death, and got by it 7000 l. In the year following he was made a Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of K. Ch. 2. and became much renown’d in the Court of that King for his ingenuity; but upon some discontent arising from a second match, he became craz’d for a time, and so consequently contemptible among vain Fops. Soon after being cured of his distemper, he wrot excellent verses on the death of Abr. Cowley the Prince of Poets, and some months after followed him. The things that he hath written and translated have been many, but those that are published are only these.
The Sophy: a tragedy. Lond. 1642. qu. and 1667. oct.
Coopers hill: a poem. Oxon 1643 in one sh. and an half in qu. Printed again with additions at Lond. 1650 and 55 in qu. There again in 1667. 68. in oct. A poem it is which for the Majesty of the stile, is, and ever will be the exact standard of good writing. It was translated into Latin verse by Moses Pengrey, as I shall elsewhere tell you.
An Essay against gaming. Lond. in about 3 sh. in oct. This I have not yet seen.
Cato Major, of old age, a poem. Lond. 1648. in tw, in 4 parts, &c.
The destruction of Troy: or an Essay upon the second book of Virgils Aeneids. Lond. 1656. in 4 sh. and an half in qu, written in the year 1636.
Panegyrick on his excellency the Lord General George Monk, Commander in chief, &c.—Printed at Lond. in one sh. in qu. in the month of Mar. 16 [••] / [••] . Tho the name of John Denham is not set to it, yet the frequent report was then among the Academians that he was the author of it.
Various poems and translations. Lond. 1667 68. &c. oct. Among which is The Destruction of Troy, Cato Major, before mention’d, and A Poem on Mr. Abr. Cowleys death and burial among the antient Poets: Which last was a little before printed by it self, in one sheet in fol. in Aug. 1667. Among them also, as I remember, is The Prologue to his Majesty at the first play presented at the Cock pit in Whitehall, being part of that noble entertainment which their Majesties received Nov. 19. an. 1660, from his Grace the D. of Albemarle. Which Prologue was printed by it self at Lond. 1660. on one side of a broad sheet or paper.
A new version of the Psalmes of David—This I have not yet seen, only mention of it in an excellent copy of verses made in its commendation by Mr. Sam. Woodford sometimes of Wadham Coll, in his Occasional compositions in English rimes. Lond. 1668. p. 146.
The true Presbyterian without disguise: or, a character of a Presbyterians way and actions. Lond. 1680. in half a sh. in fol. The name of Sir John Denham is set to this poem, but then question’d by many whether ever he was the author of it. See other works of his poetry in Sir Will. D’avenant, before mention’d. He died at his Office (near to Whitehall) which he before had built, in March in sixteen hundred sixty and eight, and was buried on the 23 of the same month,166 [•] . in the s. cross isle or trancept of the Abbey Church of S. Peter in Westminster, near to the graves of Jeffry Chaucer and Abr. Cowley. In the year 1666 were printed by stealth in oct, certain poems entit. Directions to a painter, in four copies or parts, and each dedicated to K. Ch. 2 in verse. They were very satyrically written against several persons engaged in the War against the Dutch, an. 1665, and at the end of the said four parts, is a copy entit. Clarindons house-warming, Sir John Denhams name is set, yet they were then thought by many to have been written by Andrew Marvell Esq. and after that his epitaph; both bitterly reflecting on Edw. E. of Clarendon, his house called Clarendon house and his ways of scraping up wealth. To which Directions tho The Printer that printed them, being discovered, stood in the pillory for the same.