Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 368
John Dove
, a Surrey Man born of Plebeian Parents, was elected from Westminster School a Student of Ch. Ch. an. 1580. aged 18. and after he had taken the degrees in Arts became a Preacher of note in the University. In 1596. he proceeded in Divinity, being at that time well beneficed, if not dignified, but where I cannot yet tell. His works are,
A perswasion to the English Recusants to reconcile themselves to the Church of Rome. Lond. 1603. (qu.)
Confutation of Atheism. Lond. 1605. and 1640. oct.
Defence of Church-Government, wherein the Church Government in England is directly consonant to the Word of God, &c. Lond. 1607. qu.
Defence of the Cross in Baptism, as ’tis used in the Church of England.—Printed with the Defence.
Advertisement to the English Seminaries and Jesuits, shewing their loose kind of writings, and negligent handling the cause of Religion, &c. Lond. 1610. qu.
The conversion of Salomon. A direction to holiness of life, handled by way of Commentary upon the whole book of Canticles, &c. Lond. 1613. qu.
Sermons, on Ezek. 33. 11. and S. Matth. 19. 9. Lond. 1597. 1601. oct. &c. See more in Alb. Gentilis, an. 1611. where you will find him author of another book, but whether printed I know not. He concluded his last day in Apr. (about the 19. day) in sixteen hundred and eighteen, 1618 but where buried I know not as yet. I find one John Dove to be author of Polydorian, or a miscellany of Moral, Philosophical and Theological Sentences. Printed 1631. oct. But whether he was the same with the Doctor, or another, I cannot tell, unless I see the book it self, which I have not yet done.