Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 63

Samuel Fell

was born within the Parish of S. Clements Danes without Temple-Barr near London, elected Student of Ch. Ch. from Westminster School 1601, aged 17 years, took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated in 1608, elected Proctor of the University in 1614, admitted Bac. of Div. in the year after, and about that time became Minister of Freshwater in the Isle of Wight. In the month of May 1619 he was installed Canon of Ch. Ch. and the same year proceeded in Divinity, being about that time domestick Chaplain to King Jam. 1. In 1626 he was made Margaret Professor, and so consequently Prebendary of Worcester, (which was about that time annected to the Professorship) he being then a Calvinist. At length leaving his opinion, became, after great seekings and cringings, a Creature of Dr. Laud Archbishop of Canterbury, by whose means he was made Dean of Lichfield, upon the promotion of Dr. John Warner to the See of Rochester, an. 1637, Dean of Ch. Ch. in the year after in the place of Dr. Duppa promoted to the See of Chichester, and would, without doubt, had not the Rebellion broke out, been a Bishop. In 1647 he was ejected from his Deanery and Vicechancellourship, after he had suffered much for his Loyalty, and for the preserving of the statutes and liberties of the University. Afterwards retiring to his Rectory of Sunningwell near Abendon in Berks, spent the short remainder of his life in obscurity. He hath written and published,

Primitiae; sive oratio habita Oxoniae in scholâ Theologiae 9 Nov. an. 1626. Oxon 1627. qu.

Concio Latina ad Baccalaureos die cinerum, in Colos. 2.8. Oxon. 1627. qu. and other things, as ’tis probable, but such I have not yet seen. He died in the Parsonage-house at Sunningwell before mentioned, on the first day of Febr. in sixteen hundred forty and eight,1648/9. and was buried in the Chancel of the Church there. In his Deanery Edward Reynolds M. A. (afterwards D. of Div.) had violently been thrust in by the Authority of Parliament, in April 1648, as I have at large told ((*))((*)) In Hist. & Antiq. Ʋniv. Oxon. lib. 1. sub an. 1647. & 48. you elsewhere.