Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 188
John Field
was a noted Scholar of his time in this University, but in what house he studied, I cannot yet tell. One of both his names was admitted Fellow of Lincoln Coll. in the Year 1555, but took no Degree, if the register saith right. Another took the Degree of Bach. of Arts 1564, and that of Master three years after. And a third Jo. Field took the Degree of Bach. of Arts only, in 1570. Which of these three was afterwards John Field the famous Preacher and Minister of St. Giles Cripplegate in London (who saith in one of his books, which I shall anon mention, that he was educated in Oxon) I cannot justly say, unless it be he that was Mast. of Arts. The works of that Joh. Field, who saith that he was of the Univ. of Oxon, are these,
Prayers and meditations for the use of private families, and sundry other Persons according to their divers states and occasions. Lond. 1581. 85. 1601. &c. in tw.
Caveat for Persons, Howlet and the rest of the dark brood. Lond. 1581. oct.
Exposition of the Symbole of the Apostles. Lond. 1581. oct.
Godly Exhortation by occasion of a late judgment of God shewed at Paris garden, 13. Januar. 1583. upon divers Persons, whereof some were killed, and many hurt at a Beare-baiting, &c. Lond. 1583. oct. Printed there again 1588 with this title. A declaration of the Judgment of God shewed at Paris garden, &c. The said Jo. Field also hath translated into English. (1) A treatise of Christian righteousness. Lond. 1577. oct. Written in French by Mr. J. de L’espine. (2) Notable treatise of the Church, in which are handled all the principal questions that have been moved in our time concerning that matter. Lond. 1579. oct. Written in French by Phil. de Mornay. (3) Sermons on Jacob and Esau, on Gen. 25. ver. 12. to the 38. verse of 27. of Gen. Lond. 1579. qu. Written by Joh. Calvin. (4) Four Sermons entreating of matters very profitable for our time, (the first of which is on Psal. 16. 3.) With a brief exposition of the 87 Psalm. Lond. 1579. qu. Written in French by John Calvin. (5) Second part of questions which is concerning the Sacraments. Lond. 1580. Written by Theod. Beza. (6) Com. on the Creed. Lond. 1582. oct. Written by Gasp. Olevian. (7) Prayers used at the end of the readings upon the Prophet Hosea. Lond, 1583. in 16. Which prayers were made and written by J. Calvin. (8) Christian Meditations, on the 6. 25 and 32 Psalmes. Lond. in 16o. written by P. Pilesson, &c. besides other things which I have not yet seen. At length our Author Field dying about his middle age, in the latter end of the year (after the 16. 1586 Febr.) Fifteen hundred eighty and seven, was buried in the Church of St. Giles before mention’d, leaving behind him several Children, of which the eldest was named Theophilus Field, educated in Cambridge, afterwards Chaplain to King James the first, Bishop of Landaff and at length of Hereford, as I shall more at large tell you elsewhere.