Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 324

Nicholas Fitzherbert

, second Son of John Fitzherbert, second Son of Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Knight, (the great Lawyer,) Son of Ralph Fitzherbert of Norbury in Derbyshire Esq was a Student in Exeter coll. and exhibited to by Sir Will. Petre, about 1568. but what continuance he made there, I know not. Sure ’tis, that his bare name stands in the Register called Matricula, under the title of Coll. Exon, in 1571. and 72. he being then the Senior Under-graduat of that College. About that time he left his native Country, Parents and Patrimony for Religion sake, and went beyond the Seas as a voluntary Exile. At first he setled at Bononia in Italy, purposely to obtain the knowledge of the Civil Law, and was living there in 1580. Not long after he went to Rome, took up his station there, and in the year 1587. began to live in the Court of Will. Alan the Cardinal of England, (whose person and vertues he much adored,) and continued with him till the time of his death, being then accounted eminent for his knowledge in both the Laws, and for humane literature. His works are,

Oxoniensis in Anglia Academiae descriptio. Rom. 1602. in 3 sh. and a half, in oct.

De antiquitate & continuatione Catholicae Religionis in Anglia. Rom. 1608. in oct.

Vita Cardinalis Alani Epitome. He also translated from the Italian, into the Latin tongue, Joh. Casa Galateus de moribus. Rom. 1595. He was drowned in a journey taken from Rome in sixteen hundred and twelve, 1612 but where, or in what Church, buried, I know not, nor what his employment was after the death of the said Cardinal, notwithstanding I have sent more than once to the English coll. at Rome for resolution, but have received no answer.