Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 108

Thomas Gibson

, a noted Physitian of the Age he lived in, was (b)(b) Bate de Script. cent 9. n. 54. born at Morpeth in Northumberland, and for a year, or years, was, as I conceive, educated here, because that several of both his Names and Time, were conversant with the Muses in this University; but whether he took a degree, or was licensed to practice Physick, it appears not. Afterwards he being noted for his extraordinary success in curing Diseases, was very much resorted to by great, as well as ordinary, People, especially by those of the reform’d Party, he being one himself, and a great Enemy to the R. Cath. Bishops; in spite and envy to whom, he wrot,

A History of the Treasons of the Bishops from the Norman Conquest to his time.—Whether this was printed, I know not, because had it been so, there’s no doubt but inveterate Prynn would have found it, to gain matter thence, when he compos’d his Book of the same Subject. He also wrot,

An Herball.

Treatise against unskilful Alchymists.

Treat of curing common Diseases.

Of the Ceremonies used by Popes.—besides other things, and had laid the Foundation of a little Book to shew the Various States that Britanie hath been in, which he divided into five Parts; but whether he compleated it, is uncertain.Clar. 1562. He lived after Qu. Eliz. came to the Crown, being then in his middle Age, but when he died it appears not. ’Tis said, that because divers Persons had medled with the applying of dark Prophecies, purposely to advance the Fame and Glory of Charles then Emperour, so one Tho. Gibson did endeavour to do the like to promote the Glory of Hen. 8. of England; which Th. Gibson we are to understand to be the same with Th. Gibson before mention’d.