Gibson, Thomas
, a native of Morpeth in Northumberland, was famous in the sixteenth century, for the studies of physic, divinity, history, and botany, in which he made considerable progress. Bale bears witness to his character as a physician, by saying, that he performed almost incredible cures. He was a friend to the reformation, and wrote some pieces in defence of that cause, for which he was obliged to become a fugitive in the reign of queen Mary; but, on the accession of Elizabeth, returned, and died in London in 1562. Among his works are, 1. “A breve Chronicle of the bishops of Rome’s blessynge, &c.” a work supposed to be the same called by others “The treasons of the prelates,” in English rhyme, Lond. ICmo, printed by John Daye, consisting of only eight leaves. 2. “The sum of the acts and decrees made by divers bishops of Rome,” from the Latin, 12mo, no date. 3. “A treatise behoovefull as well to preserve the people from pestilence, as to help and recover them, &c.” 1536, 4to. The following remain in manuscript, “An herbal” “Treatise against unskilful chemists, &c.” 2
Tanner. Bale. —Ath, Ox. vol. I. Aikm’s Biog. Memoirs of Mcdicinci