Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 148
Ralph Gualter
Son of the famous Ralph Gualter was born at Zurich in Helvetia, spent several years in this University, (mostly in Merton Coll.) took the Degree of Master of Arts in 1573, and then returning to Zurich became Minister of St. Peters Church there, where he was held in great admiration for his quick and forward parts. He hath written,
Elegia de militia Christianorum in his terris adversus satanem, carnem, & mundum militantium.
Epitaphium in Hen. Bullengeri obitum, written in Greek.
Epicedium in obitum Joh. Parkhursti Episcopi Nordovicensis. Tigur. 1576. qu.
Argos Helvetia. Sive carmen de Tigurinorum navigatione Tiguro Argentoratum usꝫ uno die confecta.
Carmina in imagines Doctorum nostri seculi virorum.
Varia Epigrammata & Epitaphia. At length having spent his short life in learning and virtuous industry, surrendred up his pious Soul to him that gave it, 1577 in Fifteen hundred seventy and seven, aged 25 or thereabouts. Whereupon his body was buried, as ’tis said, in St. Peters Church before-mention’d; at which time the chief Scholars there did much bewail his loss by their Poetry. A certain (*)(*) Edward Leigh in his Treatise of religion and learning, &c. p. 216. Author tells us that this Ralph Gualter the Son, hath written Homilies on the lesser Prophets, but such I have not yet seen. The Father hath, and therefore I suppose there is a mistake in the matter.