Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 62
Edward Herbert
son of Rich. Herbert by Magd. his wife, dau. of Sir Rich. Newport of High [•] Arcall in Shropshire Knight, was born in the sometimes most pleasant and Romancy place in Wales called Mountgomery Castle, became a Gent. Com. of University Coll. in 1595, aged 14 years, where being put under the tuition of an eminent Tutor, laid the foundation of that admirable learning, whereof he was afterwards a compleat Master. Thence he betook himself to travel, as also to certain military exercises, in foreign parts, whereby he became much accomplish’d. After his return, he was made Knight of the Bath at the Coronation of K. Jam. 1. afterwards one of the Counsellors to that King for his military affairs, and sent Embassador to Lewes 13. King of France, to mediate for the relief of the Protestants in that Realm then besieged in several places. In which service continuing about five years, he was recalled ((e))((e)) Camden in Annal. R. Jac. 1. an. 1621. in July 1621, because he had irreverently treated de Luyens the great Constable of France, and Edw. Sackvile was sent in his place. In the 22 of K. Jam. 1. he was ((f))((f)) Baronag. of England, Tom. 2. p. 261. a. advanced to the dignity of a Baron of the Realm of Ireland by the name of Lord Herbert of Castle Island, and in 5 of Car. 1. to the title of Lord Herbert of Cherbury in Shropshire. He was a person well studied in the Arts and Languages, a good Philosopher and Historian, and understood men, as well as books, as it evidently appears in his Writings, the titles of which follow.
De veritate, prout distinguitur à revelatione, à verisimuli, à possibile & à falso, &c. Par. 1624 and 1633. Lond. 1645. qu. &c. Translated into French and printed 1639. qu, much valued by learned men, and reposed, as ’tis said, in the Popes Vatican. Answered by P. Gassendus in his third Tome (the title of which is Opuscula philosophica) from p. 411. to p. 419. in an Epistle directed to our Author Herbert—Lugd. 1658. fol. and by Mr. Rich. Baxter in his More reasons for the Christian Religion, &c. Printed at Lond. in tw.
De causis errorum: una cum tractatu de religione Laici, & appendice ad sacerdotes; nec non quibusdam poematibus. Printed with the book De veritate, &c. 1645. qu.
Life and Reign of K. Hen. 8. Lond. 1649 and 72. fol. Both which editions being collated with the original Ms. in the Archives of Bodleys Library (given thereunto by the Author in 1643) by certain Scholars of this University, was printed at Lond. again in 1682. fol.
Expeditio Buckinghami Ducis in Ream insulam. Written by the Author in 1630, published by Timothy Baldwin Doct. of Law and Fellow of Alls. Coll.—Lond. 1656. octav.
Occasional Verses (or Poems.) Lond. 1665. oct. published by Hen. Herbert his son, and by him dedicated to Edward Lord Herbert Grandson to the Author. Others of his Poems I have also seen in the books of other Authors, occasionally written, particularly in that of Joshua Silvester, int. Lacrymae lacrymarum; or, the spirit of tears distilled for the untimely death of Pr. Henry. Lond. 1613. qu. There be others also of Sir Hen. Goodyere, Sir Will. Cornwallis, Jos. Hall, &c.
De religione Gentilium, errorumque apud eos causis. Amst. 1663. qu. At length after our Author Herbert had sided with the Long Parliament, and had received satisfaction from the members thereof for their causing Mountgomery Castle to be demolished, upon the declining of the Kings Cause, he surrendred up his last breath in his house in Queen street near London in sixteen hundred forty and eight,1648. and was buried in the Chancel of S. Giles Church in the Fields. Over his grave, which is under the south wall, was laid a flat marble stone with this Inscription engraven thereon. Heic inhumatur corpus Edwardi Herbert Equitis Balnei, Baronis de Cherbury & Castle-Island, auctoris libri cui titulus est De veritate. Reddor ut herbae; vicessimo die Augusti anno domini, 1648. He was Father to Rich. Lord Herbert, and he to Edward, which last dying 21 Apr. 1691. was buried on the 28 of the same month near to the grave of his Grandfather. The Reader is to know, that one Edward Herbert an Esquires son of the County of Mountgomery, was matriculated in the University as a member of Qu. Coll. in the beginning of July 1608 aged 17 years, but he is not to be taken to be the same with the former who was Lord Herbert, tho Isaac Walton in the ((h))((h)) Printed at Lond. 1670. p. 14. life of Mr. George Herbert doth, and from him the society of the said Coll. I take him to be the same, who was afterwards a Knight and Attorney General, temp. Car. 1.