Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 91

John Holyman

, a most stout Champion of his time in his Preachings and Writings against the Lutherans, was born at Codyngton near to Hadenham in Buckinghamshire, educated in Wykeham’s School near Winchester, made perpetual Fellow of New Coll. in 1512, took a Degree in the Canon Law, afterwards that of M. of A. left the Coll. about 1526. being then Bach. of Divinity and beneficed. But being desirous of the conversation of learned Men and Books, entred ()() Rot. camp. Rectorum Coll. Exon in scaccar. ibid. himself in the condition of a Sojournour in Exeter Coll. where he continued for some time. At length he became a Monk of St. Maries Abbey at Reading in Berks, and in 1530 proceeded in Divinity, at which time Hugh Abbat of the said Monastery, wrot to the University in ()() In lib. Epist. Univ. Oxon. FF. sol. 101. 102. Epistle, wherein our Author is thus charactarized—Dominus Holymannus, non vitâ minus quàm eruditione Theologus insignis, Londini nuper è suggesto Paulino cencionatus est: tam frequenti hominum conventu, tantâ admiratione, tam magnâ apud omnes gratiâ, ut jamdudum nemo, qui christum sincerè praedicat, majorem ab illo populo, vel laudem vel amorem consequutus est, &c. The said Epistle was written, as I have (*)(*) In Hist. & Antiq. Vniv. Oxon. lib 1. p. 252 a lib 2. p. 95 b. elsewhere told you, in the Year 1530. to the end that the University would be pleased to dispense with him from Preaching at Oxon for the Degree of D. of Divinity, and that instead thereof he might Preach at London, upon pretence that the City was much polluted with Luther’s Doctrine. In 1535, he was ejected from his Abbey, because of the dissolution thereof for a profane use, and lived afterwards partly at Hanborough near to Woodstock in Oxfordshire (of which place he seems to have been Rector) and partly in Exeter Coll. in 1554, he was promoted to the See of Bristow, upon the deprivation of Paul Bush the first Bishop thereof; the Temporalities of which See being given ()() Pat. 1. &. 2. Ph. & Mar. p 1. to him 28. Nov. the same Year, sate there to the time of his death in good repute. He hath written,

Tract. contra doctrinam M. Lutheri.

Defensio matrimonii Reginae Catherinae cum Rege Henrico octavo, lib. 1. with other things which I have not yet seen. This Person who was a most zealous Catholick, gave way to fate either in, or near to, Oxon, much about the time, when his Predicessor P. Bush died, and was according to his will, as I presume, buried in the Chancel of the Church of Hanborough before-mentioned, in Fifteen hundred fifty and eight. 1558 Mr. Alexand. Belsire sometimes Fellow of New College, afterwards the first President of that of St. John Bapt. who was his great Friend and Overseer of his last Will, was buried near to him, in 1567, being, while living, seldom from him. The said Bishop Holyman in his last (a)(a) In Off [] c prae [] og. in reg. We [••] s, Qu. 38. Will and Testament dated 4 June 1558, and proved 16. Feb. following, did give to the College near to Winchester the works of St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Cyprian, St. Cecill, Tertullian, Ireneus, &c. Which afterwards were chained in the Library there.