Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 589
John Hopton
, was born in Yorkshire, particularly, as I conceive, at Myrfield, where his Grandfather and Father were buried, became when a young man a Black Frier of the Order of St. Dominick, had his Academical education among those of his Order in Oxon, but what degrees he took there, it scarcely appears, only, that in his travels to Rome taking the degree of Doct. of div. at Ronmia, he was incorporated here after his return in 1529. and soon after was made Prior of the Convent belonging to the Black Friers in Oxon. In 1532. he was licensed to proceed in divinity, (so saith the same Register which told us that he was incorporated Doctor in that faculty,) and in the Act celebrated the 8. of July the same year, he did compleat that degree by standing therein. Afterward, he was chaplain to the Lady Mary, who, when Queen of England, nominating him by the name of her chaplain to the See of Norwyck, upon the translation of Dr. Thirlby, one of her Counsellours, to Ely, he was thereupon elected, and having the temporalities of that See (a)(a) Pat. 1. & 2. Ph. & Mar. p. 1. restored to him 4. of Oct. 1554 safe there till the time of his death, which hapning about the latter end of fifteen hundred fifty and eight, 1558 was buried in his own Cath. Church. By his Will (b)(b) In Offic-praerog. Cant. in reg. Chayney. Qu. 62. dated 24 of Aug. 1558. and proved 2. of Dec. 1559. he gave part of his study of books to the Black Friers of Norwych, if they should be restored to their Convent again, and another part to Norwyeh Church for a Library there. He also gave 5 l. to buy ornaments for the Church of Myrfield before-mentioned, several things also to the Church of Leedes in Yorkshire, and a Legacy to Christop. Hopton of that place Esꝫ without naming him his Kinsman. I find one John Hopton to be made Prior of Bridlyngton in Yorkshire, an. 1510. upon the death of one John Ynglish, but what relation there was between him and the Bishop I know not. This Prior died in 1521. and was succeeded by one Will. Brounflete. About the 22. of June 1559. the Dean and Chapter of Norwych elected Dr. Rich. Cox to succeed Dr. Hopton in the Chair there, as it appears in a certain (c)(c) Reg. MS. p. 250. Reg. or Ledger book of that Church, but the Queens mind being alter’d she nominated him soon after Bishop of Ely.