Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 574

John Kyte

, was born, as ’tis said, within the City of London, and for a time educated in this University, but in what house, or what degrees he took, it appears not. Afterwards he had several dignities confer’d upon him, was made Subdean (h)(h) Jo. Leland in tom. 1. collect. p. 472: of the King’s Chappel, and by K. Hen. 7. was sent Embassador into Spain. In the latter end of 1513. he was made Archb. of Armagh, by provision from P. Leo 10. the temporalities of which were given (i)(i) Jac. War. in Corn. de praesul. Hib. p. 24. to him on the 20. May in the year following. But he resigning the said Archbishoprick on the third of Aug. 1521. (being newly made Bishop of Carlile in England on the death of Joh. Penny) was made Archbishop of Thebes in Greece. All these things were done by the endeavours made to the Pope by Card. Wolsey, whose creature Kyte was: And because the Bulls of translation, and of Carlile, with the retention of his other benefices should be expedited and done to the desire of Wolsey and Kyte, the fees came to 1790. duckets; but whether all was paid, I think not, because it partly appears by the letters of Joh. Clerk the Kings Orator at Rome, (afterwards B. of B. of Wells,) that for the sake of the said Card. 275 duckets were released to Kyte, tho the World was then very hard at Rome. He the said Kyte took his last farewell of this World (after he had bestowed much money on Rose-castle the Seat of the Bishop of Carlile) on the nineteenth (k)(k) Godwin at sup. int. Ep. carleol. day of June in fifteen hundred thirty and seven, 1537 and was buried, as ’tis said, in the middle almost of the Chancel belonging to the Church of Stepney near London. Over his grave is a marble-stone yet remaining, with an English Epitaph thereon, contained in barbarous verses, shewing that he was a person of great hospitality. The five first run (l)(l) See in Joh. Weever in his Ancient fun. [] onuments, &c. Printed 1631. p. 539. 540. thus.

Under this ston closyde and marmorate

Lyeth John Kitte Londoner natyff,

Encreasyng in vertues rose to high estate

In the fourth Edwards chappel by his yong lyffe

Sith whych the sevinth Henryes servyce primatyff.

Proceeding still, &c.

How it came to pass, that he was buried at Stepney, I cannot tell. Sure I am that by his (m)(m) In Offic. Prarog. Cant. in reg. Dingley Qu. 6. Will and Test. made the 18. June 29. Hen. 8: dom. 1537. and proved 21. of the same month (wherein he writes himself John Kyte Archb. of Thebes and Commendatory perpetual of Carlile,) he bequeaths his body to be buried by the body of his Father in St. Margarets Church in Westminster.