Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 192
Peter Levens
or Levins was born at, or near, Eske in Yorkshire, became a Student in the University, an. 1552, was elected probationer-Fellow of Madg. Coll. into a Yorkshire place 18. Jan. 1557. being then Bach. of Arts, and on the 19. Jan. 1559, was admitted true and perpetual Fellow. In 1560. he left his fellowship, and one Thomas Dunne M. A: succeeded him, but whether our Author Levens proceeded in Arts, or took a degree in Physick, or was licensed to practise that Faculty, it appears not in our Registers. Afterwards he taught a Grammar-School, and practised Physick, which is all I know of him, only that he wrot and published these things following.
A Dictionary of English and Latine words, &c. the English going before the Latine; necessary for Scholars that want variety of words, and for such as use to write in English metre. Lond. 1570. in 18. sh. in qu.
A right profitable book for all diseases called the Pathway to health; wherein are most excellent and approved medicines of great vertue, as also notable potions and drinks, and for the Distilling of divers waters, and making of Oyles and other comfortable receipts, Lond. 1587. qu. The Author is stiled in the title page Master of Arts of Oxon. and student in Physick and Chirurgerie. Clar. 1580. This Book was afterwards several times printed with corrections; and one Edition came out at Lond. 1664. what else Peter Levens hath written I cannot yet tell.