Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 268

Hugh Lloyd

, a most admired Grammarian of the age he lived in, was born at Llynn in Caernarvonshire, educated in Wykeham’s School, admitted perpetual Fellow of New coll. in 1564. promoted to the Chancellourship of Rochester in 1578. being then Bach. of the Civil Law. Afterwards he was made chief Master of Wykeham’s School near Winchester before-mentioned, was admitted Doctor of his Faculty in 1588. being then noted to be not only eminent in Divinity and the Civil Law, but also for his admirable sufficiencies in the Greek and Lat. tongues. He hath written several books, but all that I have seen are only these following, viz.

Phrases Elegantiores ex Caesaris Commentariis, Cicerone aliisque, in usum Scholae Winton. Oxon. 1654. in a large oct.

Dictata. Printed with the former. Both which were published by John Lamphire M. of A. sometimes Fellow of New coll. afterwards Dr. of Physick, History Professor and Principal of Hart hall. The said Dr. Lloyd departed this mortal life, 1601 on the 17. Octob. in sixteen hundred and one, and was buried in New coll. outer Chappel. See his Epitaph in Hist. & Antiq. Vniv. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 153. He had a Brother named Joh. Lloyd who was Fellow of Alls. coll. Doctor of the Civil Law, and Judge of the Admiralty; but whether he was of any kin to Hugh Lloyd D. D. of Barton-Segrave in Northamptonshire, who succeeded Dr. Will. Swaddon in the Archdeaconry of Worcester, 18. Aug. 1623. and died in July 1629. I know not.