Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 335
John Maynard
, esteemed by those of his perswasion an eminent and judicious Divine, was born of a gentile family in Sussex, at, or near, Riverfield, became a Commoner of Queens Coll. in the beginning of the year, 1616, compounded for the degree of Bach. of Arts as a member of that house, and afterwards translated himself to Magd. Hall. In 1622 he took the degree of Mast. of Arts as a Compounder, entred into holy Orders, and at length became Vicar of Maighfield in his own Country. But when the rebellion broke out, he shew’d himself more a Puritan, and preached with more liberty, than he did before; whereupon being appointed one of the Ass. of Divines, he took the Covenant, held forth several times before the members of the Long Parliament, had other preferments, I presume, bestowed upon him; and in 1654 he was appointed one of the Assistants to the Commissioners of Sussex, for the ejection of such, whom they then called ignorant and scandalous Ministers and Schoolmasters. His writings are
Several Sermons as (1) Sermon preached before the House of Commons at their solemn Fast, 26 Feb. 1644. on Prov. 23. ver. 23. Lond. 1645. qu. (2) A shadow of the victory of Christ, Fast [•] serm. before the H. of C. 28. Oct. 1646. on Phil. 3.21. Lond. 1646. qu. &c.
The young mans remembrancer and old mans monitor. Lond. 1669 oct.
The Law of God ratified by the Gospel of Christ: or, the harmony of the doctrine of faith, with the law of righteousness, wherein many of the types and rites of the ceremonial law are unfolded &c. delivered in several sermons. Lond. 1674. oct. What became of this reverend author after his Majesties restauration, Clar. 1669. I mean whether he conformed or was ejected, I know not, nor any thing else of him, only that about 1670 he became a benefactor to Magd. Hall, and that his Library was exposed to sale by way of auction, several years after his death, 13. June 1687. I find another John. Maynard who published a book entit. The XII wonders of the world, set and composed for the Viol de Gambo, the Lute and the voice to sing the verse, &c. Lond. 1661. fol. But this was no Divine but a most admired Lutenist at the famous School of S. Julians in Hertfordshire. Another John Maynard, who was an eminent Lawyer I shall mention hereafter, under the year 1690.