Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 616

Daniel Neylan

or Neyland an Irish man [〈◊〉] , spent also some time here among his Countrymen, but whether he took a degree it appears not. Afterwards retiring to his native Country, he became Rector of Iniscarty in the diocess of Killaloe, and much in esteem in those parts for his piety and learning. At length obtaining the Bishoprick of Kildare, was consecrated thereunto by (l)(l) Ibid. p. 130. Adam Archb. of Dublin (and his assistants) in the month of Nov. 1583. where sitting more than 19. years, yielded to nature at Disert 18. May in sixteen hundred and three. 1603 In the said See succeeded William Pilsworth of Magdalen coll. of whom I shall make large mention among these Bishops under the year 1635.