Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 381

John Norden

, was born of a gentile Family, but in what County, unless in Wilts, I cannot tell, became a Commoner of Hart hall in 1564. and took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated 1573. This person I take to be the same John Norden who was author of these books following, some of which I have perused, but therein I cannot find that he entitles himself a Minister of Gods word, or Master of Arts.

Sinful Mans Solace, most sweet and comfortable for the sick and sorrowful Soul, &c. Lond. 1585. in oct.

Mirrour for the Multitude, or a Glass, wherein may be seen the violence, the errour, the weakness, and rash consent of the multitude, &c. Lond. 1586. in oct.

Antithesis, or contrariety between the Wicked and Godly, set forth in form of a pair of Gloves, fit for every man to wear, &c. Lond. 1587.

Pensive Mans Practice, wherein are contained very devout and necessary Prayers for sundry godly purposes, &c. Lond. 1591. in tw.—Printed there again 1629. in tw. which was the fortieth impression.

Poor Mans rest; founded upon motives, meditations, and prayers, &c. Printed several times in oct. and tw. The eighth edit. was printed at Lond. 1620. in tw.

Progress of Piety, whose Jesses lead into the Harborough of heavenly Harts-ease, to recreate the afflicted Souls of all such as, &c. Lond. in tw.

Christian comfort and encouragement unto all English Subjects, not to dismay at the Spanish threats. Lond. 1596.

Mirrour of Honour, wherein every Professor of Arms, from the General, to the inferiour Souldier, may see the necessity of the fear and service of God. Lond. 1597. qu.

Interchangeable variety of things. Lond. 1600. qu.

The Surveyors Dialogue, very profitable for all men to peruse, but especially for Gentlemen, Farmers, and Husbandmen, &c. in 6 books. Lond. 1607. 10. and 18. in qu.

Labyrinth of Mans life: Or Vertues delight, and Envies happiness. Lond. 1614. qu. ’Tis a Poem dedic. to Rob. Carr Earl of Somerset.

Loadstone to a Spiritual life. Lond. 1614. in sixt.

Pensive Souls delight: Or, a devout Mans help, consisting of motives, meditations, and prayers, &c. Lond. 1615. in tw.

An Eye to Heaven in Earth. A necessary Watch for the time of death, consisting in meditations and prayers fit for that purpose. With the Husband’s Christian Counsel to his Wife and Children left poor after his death. Lond. 1619. in tw. &c.

Help to true blessedness.

Pathway to patience in all manner of afflictions, &c. Lond. Clar: 1619. 1626. oct. This John Norden lived at Hendon near to Acton in Middlesex in most of the Reign of King James 1. being patronized in his studies by, or as some say was Servant to, Will, Cecil Lord Burliegh, and Rob. Earl of Salisbury his Son. I take him to be the same John Norden Gent. who hath written Speculum Britanniae, or, an Historical and Chorographical description of Middlesex. Lond. 1593. in about 7 sh. in qu. And of A Chorographical description of Hertfordshire. Printed much about the same time in 4 sh. in qu.