Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 612
Lewes Owen
or Owen Lewes, by both which names he is written, was born in the village of Maltrayth in Bodean in the Isle of Anglesie, was educated in Grammar learning in Wykehams School near Winchester, made perpetual and true fellow of New coll. in 1533. took the degree of Bach. of the civil law in Feb. 1558. and made a farther progress in that faculty, with intentions to proceed therein. But his opinion as to religion not suffering him so to do, left the University about 1561. (tho his fellowship was not pronounced void till 1563.) and went to Doway, where he was for his great merits made the Regius Professor of his faculty. At length being nominated Bishop of Cassano in the Kingdom of Naples by Philip 2. King of Spain, and elected by P. Sixtus 5. (whose Referendary he was of each signature) was consecrated thereunto at Rome on the third of Febr. 1588. according to the accompt there followed. In which See sitting about seven years, died full of commendations and praise on the fourteenth of Octob. according to the same accompt, 1594 in fifteen hundred ninety and four. Whereupon his body was buried in the Chappel belonging to the college of the English Students at Rome, dedicated to S. Thomas Archb. of Canterbury. Soon after was a marble stone laid over his grave, with this inscription thereon, which gives a farther account of the man. D. O. M. Audoeno Ludovico Cambro-Britanno, I. V. D. at Professori Oxonii in Anglia, ac Regio Duaci in Flandria, Archidiacono Hannoviae, & Canonico in Metropolitana Cameracensi, atꝫ Officiali Generali, Vtriusꝫ signaturae Referendario, Caroli Cardinalis Borromaei Archiepiscopi Mediolanensis Vicario generali, Gregorii xiii. et Sexto v. in congregatione de consultationibus Episcoporum & Regularium a secretis, Episcopo Cassanensi, Gregorii xiv. ad Helvetios Nuncio, Clementis viii. Apostolicae visitationis in alma urbe adjutori, Anglos in Italia, Gallia & Belgio omni ope semper juvit, at ejus imprimis opera hujus collegii ac Duacensis & Rhemensis fundamenta jecit. Vixit annos lxi. menses ix. dies xiix. Exul à patria xxxvi. Obiit xiv. Octob. mdxciv. Ludovicus de Torres Archiepiscopus Montis Regalis Amico posuit. The said Dr. Lew. Owen had a Nephew called Hugh Griffyth who was Provost of Cambray.