Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 611

John Piers

was born of plebeian and sufficient Parents at South Henxsey near to Abendon in Berks, and within a short mile of Oxon, was educated in Grammar learning in the free-school joyning to Magd. college, in Academicals in the said coll. of which he was admitted perpetual fellow 25. July 1546. being then Bach. of Arts. Soon after, upon an invitation, he was elected into the number of the senior Students of Ch. Church: which place he being unwilling to take, had liberty granted to him, that if he did dislike it at the years end, he might leave it. Whereupon being weary of it at the term of that year, he was elected Probationer of Magd. coll. before-mention’d 26. Jul. 1548. and the next year proceeded in Arts. About that time he entred into holy orders, and being soon after made divinity reader of that house, obtained also the rectory of Quainton in Bucks: both which places he kept together for some time. But so it was, that he being a man of good parts, and accounted by his contemporaries an excellent disputant, yet by keeping rustical company at Quainton, or at some small cure that he had near to his native place, before he had obtained Quainton, (where ’twas usual with him to sit tipling in a blind Alehouse with some of his neighbours) was in great hazard to have lost all those excellent gifts that came after to be so well esteemed and rewarded in him. In 1558. he was admitted to the reading of the sentences, being about that time Prebendary of Chester: of which Church being soon after made Dean in the place of Rog. Walker M. A. he proceeded in divinity. In the beginning of 1570. he was elected Master of Balliol coll. but before he was setled therein, he was made Dean of Ch. C. in Oxon. So that resigning his Mastership in May 1571. was on the 15. of March following made Dean of Salisbury upon the resignation of Dr. Edm. Freke made Bishop of Rochester. Which Deanery he kept with that of Ch. Ch. till he was consecrated Bishop of Rochester, 15. Apr. 1576. About which time being made the Queens Almoner, she gave him leave notwithstanding to keep a commendatary title to Salisbury till 1577. and then in the beginning of that year, she made him Bishop of that place, on the death of Dr. Edm. Gheast who died in Feb. 1576. In the said See he sate several years with great honour and repute, and was beloved of all. At length, upon the death of Dr. Edwin Sandys, being made Archb. of York. was translated to that place on the 19. of Feb. in 1588. He died at Bishops-Thorp in Yorkshire 28. Sept. in fifteen hundred ninety and four, aged 71. 1594 years, leaving then behind him the character of a great and modest Theologist; whereupon his body was buried in the third Chappel at the east-end of the Cath. Ch. of York. Over his grave was soon after erected a fair monument on the east Wall; the inscription on which, wherin his character (*)(*) See more of him in Illustrium aliquot Anglorum Encomia. Written by Tho. Newton, p. 115. is contained at large, you may see in Historia & Antiquitates Vniv. Oxon, lib. 2. p. 225. a. & b. He left his estate to Joh. Piers Registrary to the Archb. of York, (Son of Thomas Piers of S. Henxsey before-mention’d, the Archb. brother) who married Elizabeth daughter of Rich. Bennet, and Sister of Sir John Bennet Kt. Judge of the Prerogative Court of Cant.