Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 50
Mathias Prideaux
son of Dr. Joh. Prideaux Rector of Exeter Coll. was born in S. Michaels Parish in Oxon in the month of Aug. 1622, became a sojourner of the said Coll. in the beginning of the year 1640, was elected Fellow soon after, took the degree of Bach. of Arts in 1644, and in the year following, he, by the name of Captain Mathias Prideaux, was, by vertue of the Chancellours letters, actually created Master of Arts. Under the name of this person was publish’d after his death,
An easie and compendious introduction for reading of all sorts of Histories. Oxon 1648. qu. There again 1655. qu. To which is added A synopsis of the Councils, written by the Father of the Author Mathias, who, as ’tis said, had a considerable hand in the Easie and comp. Introd. This Mathias Prideaux who was esteemed by his contemporaries an ingenious man, died at London of the Small pox in sixteen hundred forty and six,1646. or thereabouts, to which place he receded after the surrender of the Garrison of Oxon to the Forces under the command of the Parliament. He had written one or more trite things, but were never published.