Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 80

John Proctor

, a Somersetshire Man born, was elected Scholar of Corpus Christi Coll. in Jan. 1536, and when Bach. of Arts, Fellow of Allsouls, with Joh. Watson, was was afterwards Bishop of VVinchester. This Person who was Master of Arts in 1544, I take to be the same John Proctor that was soon after School Master of Tunbridge in Kent, who wrote and published.

The Fall of the late Arrian, Lond. 1549. oct.

History of Wyats Rebellion, and Conference with the degenerate and seditious, for the search and cause of their great disorder. Lond. Clar. 1555. 1554. 55. tw. In the beginning of the first Vol. of Rap. Holinsheds Chronicle, are the names of such Authors from whence he chiefly compiled that Chron. and among them is William Proctor’s Book called the History of Wyat’s Rebellion. Which should have been Joh. Proctor.