Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 520
Miles Sandys
, a Knights Son, was born in Worcestershire, became a Gent. Com. of Ha [•] t hall in the beginning of the year 1615. aged 15, but put under the tuition of Dr. Rich. Astley, Fellow (afterwards Warden) of Allsouls college, by whose endeavours this our author became afterwards a compleat Gentleman. He departed without a degree, tho much deserving of one, and afterwards had the degree of Knighthood confer’d upon him by his Majesty some years after. He hath written,
Prudence, the first of the four Cardinal vertues. Lond. 1634. in tw.Clar. 1634: ’Tis the first part of a small work written by him, chiefly concerning the Four Cardinal vertues, especially Prudence; wherein is much reading shew’d. What other parts followed I know not, nor any thing else of the author. One Sir Miles Sandys of Wilberton in Cambridgeshire Knight and Baronet, third Son of Edwyn Archbishop of York, died in the latter end of 1644, leaving then behind him a Son called Sir Miles Sandys Knight and Baronet: Whether this last be the same with the writer before mention’d I know not.