Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 253

William Shepreve

, or Shepery, (who writes himself in Latin Scepraeus,) Nephew to John Shepreve, mentioned under the year 1542. num. 68. was born near Abendon in Berkshire, admitted Scholar of C. C. coll. in Feb. 1554. aged 14. or thereabouts, Probationer in Nov. 1558. and Bach. of Arts the year following, which was the highest degree he took in this University: For being a zealous Catholick he left it before he was Master, went beyond the Seas, and at length, settling in Rome, was exhibited to by Cardinal Gabr. Palaeot Archb. of Bononia, in whose Family he lived several years. He had the degree of D. of Div. conferred upon him at Rome, as it seems, where he was accounted the most skilful person in divers Tongues of his time, and the worthy ornament of the English Exiles. He hath written,

Miscellanea celebrium sententiarum Sacrae Scripturae. vol. 1. MS.

Commentarii in Epist. D. Pauli ad Rom. ex Latino, Graeco, Syriaco, Aethiopico. vol. 1. MS.

Notae in omnes Epistolas D. Pauli & canonicas, de differentiis textûs Latini à Graeco & Syriaco. vol. 1. MS.

Expositio locorum difficilium in officio B. Mariae. vol. 1. MS.

Connexio literalis Psalmorum in officio B. Mar. Virg. & eorum corroboratio ex variis linguis Graec. Hebr. Syriac. Chald. Arab. Aethiop. &c. Rom. 1596. qu. What else this curious, most critical and learned person hath written I know not, nor any thing more of him, only that dyed at Rome, in aedibus S. Severiani, to the very great reluctancy of those that knew him, 1598 in fifteen hundred ninety and eight, and was buried, as I presume, either in the Church of that Parish, wherein the said house was situated, or in the Chappel of the English coll. there. The Reader is now to know that one Will. Shepreve, or Shepery, who was elected Probationer of Exeter coll. 17. Octob. 1559. was admitted perpetual Fellow thereof 16. Nov. the next year: And being admitted Bach. of Arts in the beginning of Dec. 1561. took no higher degree, but left his Fellowship in 1568. This William Shepreve I take to be quite different from the former, and tho of kin to him, and a, good Scholar, yet I know nothing that he hath published.