Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 484

John Shirley

son of Jo. Shi [] . of London Bookseller, was born in the Parish of S. Botolph. Aldersgate in London, 7. Aug. 1648, entred into Trin. Coll. in Lent term 1664, became Scholar of that House in 1667, took the degrees in Arts, made Terrae filius in 1673, but came off dull. Soon after he was elected Probationer Fellow of his Coll. being then esteemed a person of some parts. but behaving himself very loosely, was expell’d when the year of his Probationship was expir’d, or rather before. So that retiring to the great City, he married an Inn-keepers Daughter of Islington, corrected the Press, and wrot and scribled for bred several trite things, as

A short compendium of Chirurgery, containing its grounds and principles, more particularly treating of impostumes, wounds, ulcers, fractures and dissolutions. Lond. 1683. sec. edit. in oct. In the title of which he writes himself Med. Doctor, though never took it in this Univ. or any other degree in that faculty.

Discourse of the generation and birth of man, &c.—Printed with the former.

The art of Rowling and Bolstring, that is the method of dressing and binding up the several parts, &c. Lond. 1682. oct. printed with the sec. edit. of the Compendium before mention’d.

Life of the valiant and learned Sir Walt. Raleigh K [] , with his trial at Winchester. Lond. 1677. oct. ’Tis the same that was a little before prefix’d to the works of the said Sir Walter, printed in fol. He hath also written and published little things of a sheet, and half a sheet of paper, but what they treat of, I know not. He died at Islington near London before mention’d, on the 28. of Dec. in sixteen hundred seventy and nine,1679. and was buried in the Ch. yard there two days after. One John Shirley Gent. hath written The History of the Wars of Hungary: or, an. account of the miseries of that Kingdome, &c. Lond. 1685. in tw. and one John Shurley M. A. and Gent. hath written Ecclesiastical History epitomized; containing a faithful account of the birth, life, and doctrine, &c. of the holy Jesus: with the lives of the Apostles, &c. in two parts—Lond. 1682. oct. But whether either of these two was of Oxon, I cannot yet tell; nor whether J. Shirley author of The renowned History of the life and death of Guy Earl of Warwick &c. Lond. 1681. qu. be the same with our author John Shirley of Oxon.