Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 381

Lewis Thomas

, a frequent Preacher in his time, became a poor Scholar or Exhibitiner of Brasnose coll. in 1582. or thereabouts, took one degree in Arts holy Orders soon after, and at length was beneficed in his native County of Glamorgan, and elsewhere. His works are,

Certain Lectures upon sundry portions of Scripture, &c. Lond. 1600. oct. Dedic. to Sir Tho. Egerton, Lord Keeper of the great Seal, who was one of his first promoters in the Church.

Seaven Sermons, or the exercises of Seaven Sabbaths. The first intit. The Prophet David’s Arithmetick, is on Psal. 90. 12. The second called Peter’s Repentance, is on Matth. 26. 75. &c. Which Seaven Sermons were printed at London several times in the latter end of Q. Elizabeth, once in the Reign of K. James (1619.) and once in the Reign of K. Ch. 1. (1630.)

A short treatise upon the Commandments, on Rev. 22. 14. Lond. 1600. &c. oct. This is sometimes called A Comment on the Decalogue. I find another Lewis Thomas of Jesus college, who took the degree of Bach. of Arts,Clar. 1619. as a Member of that house 1597. and that of Master, as a Member of St. Edm. hall, 1601. But what relation he had to the former, or whether he hath published any thing, I know not.