Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 450

William Vaughan

, Son of Walt. Vaughan of the Goldon Grove in Caermerthenshire Esq; and younger Brother to Sir John Vaughan the first Earl of Carbury, was born at the Golden Grove, became a Commoner of Jesus coll. in Mich. Term, an. 1591. aged 14. took the degrees in Arts, and entred on the Law line, but before he took a degree in that Faculty, he went to travel, and performing some exercise in order thereunto at Vienna, did proceed Doctor there, and at his return was incorporated at Oxon in the same Faculty, an. 1605. In which, tho indifferently learned, yet he went beyond most men of his time for Latin especially, and English, Poetry. Afterwards spending much time in rambling to and fro, did take a long journey for the honour and benefit of his Nation, and became the chief undertaker for the Plantation in Cambriol, the southermost part in New-found-land, now called by by some Britaniola, where with pen, purse, and person did prove the worthiness of that enterprize. He hath written,

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 Pium, continens canticum canticorum Solomonis, & Psalmos aliquot selectiores, una cum quibusdam aliis poematis e Sacrae Scripturae fontibus petitis. Lond. 1597. oct.

Elegia gratulatoria in honorem illustriss. Herois Caroli Howard Comitis Nottingham. 23. Oct. 1597. meretiss. creati. Printed with the former.

Varia Poemata de Sphaerarum ordine, &c. Lond. 1589. oct.

Poemata continent, Encom. Roberti Comitis Fssex. Lond. 1598. oct.

The Golden Grove moralized, in 3 books. A work very neeessary for all such, as would know how to govern themselves, their houses, or their country. Lond. 1600. and 1608. oct. This book which is written in prose, was commended to the World by some Poets, or at least pretenders to Poety, then (1600.) living in the University, as Dr. Joh. Williams Marg. Professor, Will. Osbourne one of the Proctors, Hen. Price Bac. of Div. of S. Johns coll. Griffin Powel of Jesus, Joh. Budden LL. D. Nich. Langford and Tho. Came Masters of Arts, Gabr. Powel B. A. Sam. Powel, Tho. Storer, and Jo Rawlinson Masters of Arts, Charles Fitzjeffry of Broadgates, Tho. Michelbourne, &c.

Cambrensium Carolcia. Quibus nupiae regales celebrantur, memoria regis pacifici renovatur, & praecepta necessaria ad rempub. nestram faeliciter administrandum intexuntur: reportata a Colchide Cambriola ex australissima Novae Terrae plaga. Lond. 1625. oct. ’Tis a Latin Poem, and dedicated by our author Vaughan under the name of Orp [] eus Junior to King Charles 1.

The Golden Fleece, divided into three parts; under which are discovered the errours of Religion, the vices and decays of the Kingdom, &c. Lond. 1626. qu. in prose. Transported from Cambrioll Colchos out of the southermost part of the Island commonly called New-found-land by Orphcus jun. alias Will. Vaughan. There is no doubt but this our ingenious author hath other things extant, but such, tho with great scrutiny, I cannot yet discover: nor can I find any thing else relating to the author only that he was living at C [••••] iol before-mentioned in sixteen hundred twenty and eight.Clar. 1628. I find one will Vaughan a Physician, who among several things that he hath published is a book intit. Directions for health, natural and artificial, derived from the best Physicians, as well modern as ancient, &c. Printed several times, as in 1617. oct. Lond. 1626. qu. the sixth edit. and there again 1633. &c. Another book also he wrote called The Newlanders cure, with rules against the Scurvey, Coughs, &c. Printed 1630. oct. &c. Whether this Physician was originally of Oxon. I cannot tell, notwithstanding we have had several of both his names and time matriculated as Members of Ball. coll. Jesus, &c. There is also another Will. Vaughan a Physician, who published Disputatio medica de febre continuata. Printed 1671. qu.