Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 57

John Verneuil

(Vernulius) was born in the City of Bourdeaux in France, educated in the University of Mountalban till he was M. of Arts, flew from his country for religion sake, being a Protestant, and went into England, where he had his wants supplied for a time by Sir Thom. Leigh. Afterwards he retired to the University of Oxon. in 1608, and on the fourth day of Nov. in the same year, being then 25 years of age, he was matriculated in the University as a member of Magdalen Coll. from which House, as from others he received relief. In 1625, he was incorporated Master of Arts, being then second-keeper of Bodleys Library, where he performed good service for that place, and wrot for the use of the Students there, these things following.

Catalogus Interpretum S. Scripturae, juxta numerorum ordinem, quo extant in bibl. Bodl. Oxon. 1635. qu. sec. Edition. The first was began by Dr. Tho. James.

Elenchus authorum, tum recentium quam antiquorum, qui in 4 libros sententiarum & Thomae Aquinatis summas, item in Evangelia Dominicalia totius anni, & de casibus conscientiae; nec non in orationem Dominicam, Symbolum Apostolorum, & Decalogum scripserunt. This is printed with the Cat. Interpretum, &c. an. 1635.

Nomenclator of such tracts and sermons as have been printed, and translated into English upon any place, or book of the Holy Scripture, now to be had in Bodleys Library. Oxon. 1637. 42. in tw. He also translated from French into English A Tract of the Soveraign Judge of controversies in matters of religion. Oxon. 1628. qu. written by Joh. Cameron D. D. of Saumaur, Divinity Professor in the Academy of Mountalban, afterwards Principal of Glascow in Scotland. And from English into Latine a book entit. Of the deceitfulness of mans heart. Genev. 1634. oct. written by Dan. Dyke of Cambridge. The said Joh. Verneuil died in his house within, and near, the Eastgate of the City of Oxon, in the latter end of Septemb. in sixteen hundred forty and seven, and was buried on the last day of the same month in the Church of St. Peter in the East, 1647. within the said City; at which time our publick Library lost an honest and useful servant, and his children a good Father.