Verneuil, John

, a French refugee, was born at Bourdeaux in 1583, and educated in the university of Montauban until he took his master’s degree, when he was obliged to leave his country for the sake of his religion, and came to England, and found a friend in sir Thomas Leigh. In 1608 he was admitted a member of Magdalen college, Oxford, and in 1625 was incorporated master of arts, being then second keeper of the Bodleian library, in which Wood says, his services were valuable. He died at Oxford in Sept. 1647, and was buried in the church of St. Peter in the East, “at which time,” says Wood, “our library lost an honest and useful servant, and his children a good father.

He wrote, for the use of his students, 1. “Catalogus ID­terpretum S. Scripturae, juxta numerorurn ordinem, qui extant in Bibl. Bodl.” Oxon. 1635, 4to, the second edition. This was first begun by Dr. Thomas James. To it is added an “Elenchus auctorum, tarn reoentium quam antiquorum, | qui in quatuor libros sententiarmn et Thomas Aquinatis summas, &c. scripserunt.” 2. “Nomenclator of such tracts and sermons as hare been printed, or translated into English upon any place or book of Scripture, now to be had in Bodley’s library,” Oxon. 1637, and enlarged in 1642, 16mo. He also translated from French into English, principal Cameron’s “Tract of the sovereign judge of controversies,” Oxon. 1628, 4to, and from English into Latin, Daniel Dyke “On the deceitfulness of man’s heart.” This was printed at Geneva, 1634, 8vo. 1


Ath. Ox. vol. II.