Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 500
Myrth Waferer
son of Rich. Myrth Waferer of Grewel in Hampshire Gent, became a Portionist of Mert. Coll. in 1624 aged 16 years or thereabouts, took one degree, and then translated himself to S. Alb. Hall, where applying his mind to the study of Div, took the degree of M. of A. as a member of the said House, and at two years standing in that degree, he wrot and published,
An apology for Dr. Dan. Featley against the calumnies of one S. E. in respect of his conference had with Dr. Smyth Bishop of Chalcedon, concerning the real presence. Lond. 1634. qu, at which time he lived at (if not Minister of) Odyham in Hampshire. In 1640 I find him Parson of Compton in Surrey, and in Decemb. that year, to be called ((a))((a)) John Nalson in his Impartial collection, &c. Lond. 1682. fol. p. 660. see also p. 693. into question by the Parl. then sitting, for speaking scandalous words concerning those Lords that petitioned his Majesty in the North (at York) by saying that Lesley did not stick to say that the southern Lords were the cause of his coming on, &c. But how he was acquitted of that trouble it appears not. In the time of the rebellion he suffer’d for the Kings cause, but upon the return, he was rewarded (being then Rector of Upham in Hampshire) with a Prebendship in the Church at Winchester and a Doctorship, by creation, of this University, as a member of S. Alb. Hall.1680. He died on the 5. of Nov. in sixteen hundred and eighty, and was buried in the Cath. Ch. at Winchester, having several years before, wrot one, or more books fit for the press. Quaere.