Nalson, John
, an historical writer, was born probably about 1638, and educated at Cambridge, of which he became LL. D. We have discovered very few particulars of his life. He appears to have been zealous in the royal cause during the usurpation, and became rector of Doddington cum March, in the Isle of Ely. He was also in 1684 collated to a prebend in that cathedral. Wood and Bentham say that he died March 24, 1685-6, aged | fortyeight years, and was buried in Ely cathedral. If Bentham did not copy this date from Wood, but took it from the registers of Ely, we know not how to reconcile it with a letter from Dr. Nalson, printed in Gutch’s “Collectanea,” and dated 1688, at the time the bishops were sent to the Tower by the infatuated James II. Be this as it may, he published “An Impartial Collection of the Great Affairs of State, from the beginning of the Scotch rebellion in 1639, to the murder of king Charles I, &c.” Lond. 1682-3, 2 vols. fol. This collection was intended as an antidote to that of Rush worth, whose prejudices were in favour of the parliament; and contains many authentic and curious circumstances not to be found in other writers. Nalson’s statements are reviewed by Roger Coke, esq. in his *‘ Treatise of the Life of Man,“1685, fbl. Besides this historical collection, Dr. Nalson wrote, 1.” The Countermine: or, a short, but true discovery of the dangerous principles, and secret practices of the dissenting party, especially the presbyterians; shewing, that religion is pretended, but rebellion intended,“&c. Lond. 1677, 8vo. 2.” The Common Interest of King and People, shewing the original, antiquity, and excellency, of monarchy compared with aristocracy and democracy, and particularly of our English monarchy; and that absolute, papal, and presbyterian popular supremacy are utterly inconsistent with prerogative, property, and liberty;“ibid. 1678, 8vo. 3.” A True Copy of the Journal of the High Court of Justice, for the’ trial of Charles I. as it was read in the House of Commons, and attested under the hand of Phelps, clerk to that infamous court,“with an introduction, ibid. 1684, fol. He also translated Maimbourg’s” History of the Crusade," &c. ibid. 1685, fol. 1