Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 58
Henry Wilkinson
was born within the Vicaridge of Halyfax in Yorkshire 9. Octob. 1566, made his first entrie into the University in Lent term 1581, elected Probationer-fellow of Merton Coll. by the favour of his Kinsman Mr. H. Savile the Warden, in the year 1586, proceeded in Arts, applyed his mind to the sacred faculty, of which he was Bachelaur, and at length (1601) became Pastor of Waddesdon in Bucks. He hath written and published,
A Catechisme for the use of the congregation of Waddesdon in Bucks—This hath been several times printed in oct. and the fourth impression came out at Lond. 1637.
The Debt-book; or, a treatise upon 13 Rom. ver. 8. wherein is handled the civil debt of money, or goods. Lond. 1625. oct. and other things which I have not yet seen. This Person being an old Puritan, was elected one of the Assembly of Divines in 1643, and dying on the 19 of March in sixteen hundred forty and seven,1647/8. was buried in the Church at Waddesdon before-mentioned, having had issue by his Wife Sarah, the only daughter of Arthur Wake (of whom I have made mention in Isaac Wake an. 1632. p. 491.) three daughters, and six sons, of which number Henry Wilkinson Senior, commonly called Long Harry, was one; of whom shall be large mention made hereafter.