Blackie, John Stuart (18091895)

Blackie, John Stuart, a man of versatile gifts and warm human sympathies, born in Glasgow; bred to the bar, but devoted to literary pursuits; studied German; executed a metrical translation of Goethe's “Faust,” Part I.; filled the chair of Humanity in Aberdeen, and afterwards that of Greek in Edinburgh; was a zealous educational reformer; took an active interest in everything affecting the welfare and honour of Scotland; founded a Celtic Chair in Edinburgh University; spoke much and wrote much in his day on manifold subjects; Æschylus, and Homer's “Iliad” in verse; among his works, which are numerous, “Self-Culture” is the most likely to survive him longest (18091895).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Blackheath * Blacklock, Thomas
[wait for the fun]
Black Hole of Calcutta
Black Lands
Black Monday
Black Prince
Black Rod, Gentleman Usher of
Black Saturday
Black Sea
Black Watch
Blackie, John Stuart
Blacklock, Thomas
Blackmore, Richard Doddridge
Blackmore, Sir Richard
Blackstone, Sir William
Blackwell, Alexander
Blackwell, Elizabeth
Blackwood, Sir Henry
Blackwood, William
Blaeu, Willem Janzsoon