Brooke, Sir James (18031868)

Brooke, Sir James, rajah of Sarawak, born at Benares, educated in England; entered the Indian army; was wounded in the Burmese war, returned in consequence to England; conceived the idea of suppressing piracy and establishing civilisation in the Indian Archipelago; sailed in a well-manned and well-equipped yacht from the Thames with that object; arrived at Sarawak, in Borneo; assisted the governor in suppressing an insurrection, and was made rajah, the former rajah being deposed in his favour; brought the province under good laws, swept the seas of pirates, for which he was rewarded by the English government; was appointed governor of Labuan; finally returned to England and died, being succeeded in Sarawak by a nephew (18031868).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Brooke, Henry * Brooke, Stopford
[wait for the fun]
Bröndsted, Peter Olaf
Brongniart, Adolphe
Brongniart, Alexandre
Bronze Age
Brook Farm
Brooke, Henry
Brooke, Sir James
Brooke, Stopford
Brooks, Charles William Shirley
Brosses, Charles de
Brothers, Richard
Brougham, Henry, Lord Brougham and Vaux
Broughton, Lord
Broughton, Rhoda
Broughton, William Robert