Bulwer, Henry Lytton (18011872)

Bulwer, Henry Lytton, an experienced and successful diplomatist, served the Liberal interest; was party to the conclusion of several important treaties; wrote several works, “An Autumn in Greece,” a “Life of Byron,” &c. (18011872).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Buloz * Bumble, Mr.
[wait for the fun]
Bull Run
Buller, Charles
Buller, General Sir Redvers Henry
Bullinger, Heinrich
Bulls and Bears
Bülow, Bernard von
Bülow, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron von
Bülow, Guido von
Bulwer, Henry Lytton
Bumble, Mr.
Bunker Hill
Bunsby, Jack
Bunsen, Baron von
Bunsen, Robert William
Bunsen Burner
Bunyan, John