Burnes, Sir Alexander (18051841)

Burnes, Sir Alexander, born at Montrose, his father a cousin of Robert Burns; was an officer in the Indian army; distinguished for the services he rendered to the Indian Government through his knowledge of the native languages; appointed Resident at Cabul; was murdered, along with his brother and others, by an Afghan mob during an Insurrection (18051841).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Burne-Jones, Sir Edward * Burnet, Gilbert
[wait for the fun]
Burke, Robert O'Hara
Burke, William
Burkitt, William
Burleigh, William Cecil, Lord
Burlingame, Anson
Burn, Richard
Burnaby, Colonel
Burnand, Francis Cowley
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward
Burnes, Sir Alexander
Burnet, Gilbert
Burnet, John
Burnet, Thomas
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Burney, Charles
Burney, Charles
Burney, James
Burnouf, Eugene
Burns, John