Bute, an island in the Firth of Clyde, about 16 m. long and from 3 to 5 broad, N. of Arran, nearly all the Marquis of Bute's property, with his seat at Mount Stuart, and separated from the mainland on the N. by a winding romantic arm of the sea called the “Kyles of Bute.”
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Buskin * Bute, John Stuart, third Earl ofLinks here from Chalmers
Aiton, William
Almon, John
Bentley, Richard [No. 3]
Butler, John
Campbell, John [No. 3]
Chambers, Sir William
Chatterton, Thomas
Dalton, Richard
Denton, William
Dodington, George Bubb
[showing first 10 entries of 45]