Conradin the Boy

Conradin the Boy, or Conrad V., the last representative of the Hohenstaufen dynasty of Romish Kaisers, had fallen into the Pope's clutches, who was at mortal feud with the empire, and was put to death by him on the scaffold at Naples, October 25, 1265, the “bright and brave” lad, only 16, “throwing out his glove (in symbolic protest) amid the dark mute Neapolitan multitudes” that idly looked on. See Carlyle's “Frederick the Great” for the Conrads.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Conrad of Thüringia * Consalvi
[wait for the fun]
Conolly, John
Conrad, Cadet of the House of Hohenzollern
Conrad, Marquis of Tyre
Conrad I.
Conrad II.
Conrad III.
Conrad of Thüringia
Conradin the Boy
Conscience, Hendrik
Conscript Fathers
Conservation of Energy
Considérant, Victor Prosper
Constable, Archibald
Constable, Henry