Crotch, William (17751847)

Crotch, William, musical composer of precocious gifts, and writer in music, born in Norwich; became, in 1797, professor of Music in Oxford, and in 1822 Principal of the Royal Academy; his anthems are well known (17751847).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Crossraguel * Crotona
[wait for the fun]
Cromwell, Richard
Cromwell, Thomas
Crookes, William
Cross, Mrs.
Cross, Southern
Cross, Victoria
Cross Fell
Crosse, Andrew
Crotch, William
Crowe, Eyre Evans
Crowe, Sir James Archer
Crowne, John
Crowther, Samuel Adjai
Cruden, Alexander
Cruikshank, George
Crusades, The
Crusoe, Robinson