Dibdin, Charles (17451814)

Dibdin, Charles, musician, dramatist, and song-writer, born in Southampton; began life as an actor; invented a dramatic entertainment consisting of music, songs, and recitations, in which he was the sole performer, and of which he was for the most part the author; wrote some 30 dramatic pieces, and it is said 1400 songs; his celebrity is wholly due to his sea songs, which proved of the most inspiring quality, and did much to man the navy during the war with France; was the author of “Tom Bowling”; left an account of his “Professional Life” (17451814).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Diaz del Castello * Dibdin, Thomas
[wait for the fun]
Diana de Poitiers
Diana of France
Diavolo, Fra
Diaz, Barthélemy
Diaz Miguel
Diaz de la Peña
Diaz del Castello
Dibdin, Charles
Dibdin, Thomas
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall
Dick, James
Dickens, Charles
Dictator of Letters
Dictys Cretensis
Diddler, Jeremy
Diderot, Denis