Escurial, a huge granite pile, built in the form of a gridiron, 30 m. NW. from Madrid, and deemed at one time the eighth wonder of the world; was built in 1563-1584; was originally dedicated as a monastery to St. Lorenzo in recognition of the services which the Saint had rendered to Philip II. at the battle of St. Quentin, and used at length as a palace and burial-place of kings. It is a mere shadow of what it was, and is preserved from ruin by occasional grants of money to keep it in repair.
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Escobar, Mendoza Antonio * EsdraëlonEscurial in Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable
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Alessi, Galeas
Bos, Jerome
Cangiagi, Lucas
Cardona, John Baptist
Castello, John Baptist
Dante, Peter Vincent
Eyck, Hubert Van
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