Gogol, Nicolai Vasilievitch (18091852)

Gogol, Nicolai Vasilievitch, a popular Russian novelist, born in Poltava; in 1829 he started as a writer in St. Petersburg, but met with little success till the appearance of his “Evenings in a Farm near Dikanka”; the success of the included sketches of provincial life induced him to produce a second series in 1834, which are characterised by the same freshness and fidelity to nature; in 1837 appeared his masterpiece “Dead Souls,” in which all his powers of pathos, humour, and satire are seen at their best; for some time he tried public teaching, being professor of History at St. Petersburg, and from 1836 to 1846 lived chiefly at Rome; many of his works, which rank beside those of Puschkin and Turgenieff, are translated into English (18091852).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

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[wait for the fun]
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Gog and Magog
Gogol, Nicolai Vasilievitch
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